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Business News
Creator of the Day - Meghan Linsey | @meghanlinsey |
Nashville Yards Linka:
00:09 Hello everybody. I'm Stuart Deming with XPLR.Nash. I'm co hosting the Nashville daily podcast. My cohost today is Erin Pennington. How are you doing today, Erin? It's not a Monday. So we're on track getting the week done. Moving in one day, closer to the weekend. Yeah. So today's only Tuesday. So we're still a couple of days away from the weekend. How is the traffic looking on Google maps right now? Aaron? You know, I wish, I'm hoping one day, one day I can say that it's good, but unfortunately it's bad. So we have some upcoming events. This is actually a slow week in the city of Nashville this week compared to what's going to be happening in about two to three weeks. Yeah, this seems to be in between the summer and the transition into fall events. Yeah, exactly. So the biggest thing happening this week, you have live on the green Thursday through Sunday, Thursday, it's starting at 5:15 PM going til about 11 and then Saturday it's starting at noon all day, all day.
01:16 And so in our show notes, we actually have a lot of bands, so make sure to go over to live on the to see what the schedule is for this weekend. Yes, and then we have at a sin amphitheater, we have the Peter Frampton finale, I believe that's his tour and that's going to be an amazing show if you're into rock, if you're into great kind of solo guitar performances, but with a band backup. Then Peter Frampton, his finale tour is going to be amazing. And then we have a Thursday, Friday, Saturday. You'd normally there Friday, Saturday, Sunday events at the Ryman, but this one's a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and it's the rec and tours and they are at the Ryman, 8:00 PM those three nights, for those. And then we have some Saturdays coming Saturday you have some college football, Vanderbilt football versus Georgia Bulldogs, 6:30 PM and that Saturday. Where can we get tickets for that game?
02:18 This is at the VU, if you want to enter all these lashes slash sports slash football slash schedule, or just Google a Vanderbilt football schedule, that one's got to be right there. Yeah. That one's going to be busy because it's the first college football event for Nashville for the football season. So, and it's against Georgia. So I imagine that's gonna be a pretty crowded event, especially now that the sec has allowed alcohol in there. So that's going to factor in a lot to the business of that game, especially when Vanderbilt starts losing the alcohol sales start increasing. So it's a win win for them. Win, win for Vanderbilt. Kind of some interesting news happening over on
03:00 The Tennessee in Nashville yards developer announces a new DLS site of Amazon campus and entertainment district. So what's happening over there at the new Amazon site and entertainment districts, AKA the Nashville yards? Yes.
03:17 So basically it's a S a San Diego based Southwest value partners quote made a meaningful financial commitment on a multiyear basis to the Susan G Komen breast cancer foundation. Said Carrie Mac, who's the company's co managing partner, they declined to share the amount of the donation. Basically what this is going to help with that says the deal will bring a series of events to the development. And so this means like the, they have a five K and I believe they have some marches and everything that have been in Brentwood before, but now they're going to be moved to the downtown area. And so looks like, I think they have an office already here in Nashville. Susan, Susan B. Coleman. But that's going to be moved now into the Amazon yards kind of entertainment area. Possibly. I'm not a hundred percent sure on their new office location, but it is going to be moved into the Nashville yards. So that's, that's the news coming out of the Tennesseean for an update on the Nashville yards. We'll get into the national yards a little bit later. We're going to give you guys a little bit of a highlight and overview of what's been announced and what's come to date so far of the Nashville yards. We're going to continue with the business news by talking about food, what's going on in the world,
04:42 Fill food. So Christie cookies, which is like a Nashville staple, they found that they found it in German town. They were just bought. So they article, this is found on the business national business journal. Christy Cookie's bought by New York company. And the company that bought them is rich PR products out of Buffalo, New York. So rich products corporation and with more than $4 billion of annual revenue they make and they specialize in frozen foods. That's what it seems. What they specialize.
05:15 Yeah. So this is a little bit, the headline is a little bit, I'm not reflective of why the deal happened. If you read the article, the this, this company that bought them also has a lot of manufacturing here already in Tennessee. So you have an advantage for Kristi cookies to make some expansion. You know, not out of New York. They're, they were bought by a company that has also kind of the same family values as Christy cookies. And so they're, they're, I would assume using it to expand their manufacturing, you know, beyond Nashville, but, but still have some control because it's all taking place here in Tennessee. The
05:55 Christie cookie makes 100 million each year
05:58 On including the cookie served at all DoubleTree hotels. Wow. And on the American airline flights, there you go. Get that corporate account. Those are some good accounts. Doubletree, DoubleTree is always interesting. I like, I've listened to a lot of articles about like DoubleTree in Hampton Inns and how they serve cookies and like people are always looking forward to their cookies. Like if you go to the Twitter right now, dude, it's like a million tweets about DoubleTree cookies. It's insane. So that's a thing. It's a thing. And like there's a lot of podcasts about like what they did from a marketing standpoint for these DoubleTree cookies. I that's really, that's really, you should just go to a DoubleTree right now and check it out. Or we can just go over to Christy cookies on 12 South. That might have to happen. I'm about to be honest.
06:40 I'm going to be honest, man. They got some good cookies. My favorite cookie is this double chocolate with chili, so it's like chili, like chili powder. Whoa. So it's this dark double chocolate cookie with chicken chili powder. It is so good. I guess I could compare that. I have never had chili pattern a cookie, but I guess you know, people put cinnamon and those kinds of things on cookie so I should probably give it a try. Yeah, we should. We should do a giveaway of cookie sometime here in the future on the podcast. Krista cookies, we're coming for you. We're coming for you. You just got some money. We're coming forward. Speaking of money and buy outs, we have another one here and this one's for a few more dollars. A as Sinclair broadcast group. If you haven't heard of Sinclair broadcast group, you're under a rock.
07:20 I don't know where you've been, but Sinclair, they're huge in the television world. Closes a 10 point $6 billion buy of Fox regional sports. And this is news and Nashville because this is where the Preds are mainly broadcast on his Fox regional sports. And if you guys have also been paying attention to buy outs and everything, Disney recently purchased a pretty much everything from Fox besides the news and that included Fox regional sports. So Sinclair, after Disney bought Fox regional sports and all of these other kind of Fox channels except for Fox news Sinclair went and bought Fox regional sports. So 10.6 billion, one point $6 billion, I think a, I think Walt Disney bought everything from Fox for like 60 or 70 billion. I can't remember the exact number, but it looks like they're getting some of their money back already. Yes. Sooner than they thought. Maybe this knee is had a heck of a week.
08:16 I'm going to just be honest. They had D 23 in AA announced like 15 of their shows. That's going to be on Disney. Plus we're coming out in November 12th. This is not a pitch for Disney plus, but I don't know if you've read anything about Disney plus yet. Aaron is going to put Netflix like stocks down very low. It doesn't bid well for Netflix because NBC is pulling a lot of their shows. They, they took a, I was looking yesterday for 30 rock, 30 rock was pulled off of Netflix. The office is scheduled, sorry if anybody's finding this out the first time the office is being scheduled to pull off of Netflix within yeah, it's a while so you still have time to binge it, but NBCs pulling a lot of their shows, Disney is probably going to be pulling a lot of their content.
09:05 And so Netflix is in an interesting position for years to come. I know they're producing a lot of great content. You've got stranger things, you've got a lot of shows that they've developed that are absolute hits. But do you think stranger things can maintain a subscription service when Disney is literally half the price of Netflix? Definitely. It's not going to maintain it and stranger things on its own. But you know, Netflix has been putting out all the [inaudible] of content concerts that I think is better than almost everybody else's original content that's out there right now that's not on cable. Cable's obviously still producing a great amount of original content, but I think Netflix is the obvious next provider. Amazon after that. Yeah. So it's, it's been pretty interesting to see what's been going on. But you know, there's just a lot out in this world, but just to kind of close on this Sinclair especially in the sports world I think, let's see, they have a lot of [inaudible] they're covering.
10:07 So if you will link this in our show notes, but if you go down middle, halfway down the article, they are broadcasting a lot of sports. Yeah. That's a lot of teams. Yeah. So if you want to check out more on Sinclair, there's a lot of information on Google about them, but we'll link this article in our show notes. Okay. So well, Stuart, what's the Explorer's Nashville tip of the day? And if this is your first podcast through first time listening to this, we usually like to take a look at what's happening in Nashville today and what the feel of the city is and give advice and what's gonna be our ideal day. And this week's slower nationally. The beginning of this week is lower. Yesterday you had the Backstreet boys concert at Bridgestone arena, but like you don't really have anything happening until Thursday with live on the green.
10:57 So you've also had, you know, you had some, some Outkast weather. Oh yeah. And it's the past couple days it's been raining and it's, it's, it's kind of ugly outside right now. So our recommendation honestly is to find yourself a brand new coffee shop that you've never been to go work at the coffee shop, maybe read a book, paying out. Where's the new coffee shop? He checked out recently. Aaron, a new coffee shop that I've checked out recently. Has there been one other, there's been a couple in town. I don't think you've checked out. I don't think I've checked out a new one recently. There's one called sub sub sub coffee, S U M P. O sump. They've I've checked that one. That's a new one for me. That's over in, what is that place called? It's near Centennial park. A one drive, one drive. I can't remember what that place is called.
11:47 There's so many days off, like 28th Avenue hours and location. I'm on their website. Hold on. While you're, while you're kind of looking at that, I'll also be Boulevard, city Boulevard. Okay. I'll also throw out there, you know, if you're going to read a book, take advantage of the national public library. Yes, that's a great place. They have a, they have a great reading room up there at the top, so it kind of looks like what a reading room would look like in the movies. It really does. So go check that out. Who is our creator of the day, Aaron. Okay. So we had mentioned an artist, I believe two or so weeks ago. And his name was Tyler Kane and they, him and Megan Lindsey had released a new single. But we've, we featured Tyler. But today we're going to feature Megan Lindsey as our creator of the day.
12:36 Her and Tyler had done so much in this creative community, not only for the artists side, but also for the production side of music. Also for the, they're orange, huge supporter of all of the arts in this city. And I think that's why, you know, we enjoy hanging out with them and, and, and getting their insight on things. And we enjoy watching them perform because they're such a big supporter of the city. And and so that, that makes them a really, really, really good story and coupled to follow their engage. Now. So this we featured Tyler Kane a few weeks ago. Today we're featuring Megan Lindsey. They just released a single recently. Her Instagram is at Megan Lindsey. That's a at M. E. G. H. a. N. L. I. N. S. E. Y. So go make your Spotify better and, and your Instagram, Instagram better today by following Megan Lindsey. Get to know Megan and Tyler. They are awesome. So we are moving into, where did we eat local tea? Low. Cool.
13:41 Dude, I had honey fire barbecue over in Bellview one again. And that's even better. The second time. They have flat fries, [inaudible] fries, flat flat fries. And basically they T like take the potato wedges and they make them flat. Incredible. the guy I was eating barbecue with, he said these are probably the best fries ever had in my entire life. I don't know. What about Gabby's a sweet potato fries habeas is fantastic, but man, these flat fries are different. They're unique. They have this like interesting spice on, it's so good. But then I I had the burnt ends cause they're the only ones in town. I serve burnt ends. And then I also had their CAISO macaroni and cheese and guess what I had for dessert, not the other time thing I had for dessert, that banana pudding of peanut butter. I had a bacon cookie, chocolate chip bacon cookie. And this thing was the size of my fist. It was, it was huge. And literally there was like probably six pieces of bacon on this cookie. Incredible.
14:43 The only thing I think I've, I don't even think I've had dessert with bacon on it yet. The only thing that I know that comes close is the doughnut at five daughters that has bacon on it. The King Kong. Yes. Five daughters. That's my favorite donut. So I've not had a anything with bacon on it for dessert yet, but it seems like they have a pretty good selection of desserts over there at honey thighs. We will definitely, I have to introduce you to this restaurant, Aaron. It's, it's become probably my first or second favorite barbecue restaurant in town. All right, well I'm excited to have the day where I'm announcing that I had honey fire on this program. I had Cinco de Mayo as my local food. There are kind of change them down, change up the meal this time. No you don't. That's one of the things when you become a regular somewhere, you don't change up your order.
15:34 Do they, is it to the point where they know your name? No, because they have a lot of locations. So I'll switch up the location. So let me give you a little story. In college we went to, I went to college at Clark summit university in Clarks summit, Pennsylvania, which is about seven miles away from Scranton, Pennsylvania. This is where all the mob families come to retire from New York city. So really interesting place. But there was this diner, me, my roommate, and two of my college friends, we went to every Friday morning for a long time and he got to the point where we could actually walk in and the food would be on the table. Like at the moment we walked in. I don't, I love that. I don't know, is national, that kind of city, I don't know if Nashville is that kind of say Oh no, it's, I don't know if it's because the places are too busy. Maybe. Maybe because places would be too busy. Maybe I've experienced like diners, like I've experienced restaurants here where people recognize me. Right. But I wonder if do you not to that point of the food, like I show up at 10:35 AM and the foods on the table. Yeah. I wonder if that's because Nashville just has too many places to go and visit and so you don't want to become a regular somewhere or, or if you do cause I'm going to become a regular honey fire.
16:49 Everyone's name, Matt honey fire, tweet us at X PLR underscore Nash. Let us know if you have that kind of local experience where you are a regular at a restaurant, you can just walk in, your order's taken care of and you know you don't have to do a thing. It's everything's already ready for you. I'm curious to see if Nashville is that kind of city. Yeah, that's a really interesting thing that we need to find out. This episode of the Nashville daily is brought to you by screen to threads. Screen threads is a Nashville curious shop located in the historic marathon village. Use code Nashville daily. You get 10% off your next online order. Their website is Also, if you mentioned this ad in person and say Nashville daily, they'll give you 10% off in person as well. So what's that code again, Aaron? So that code is a Nashville daily.
17:38 Again, use that on your next online order to save 10% that screened or whisper very softly in Nashville to get 10% off in store screen that's in your show notes. So just looking to show notes for screen Thank you so much screen threads for sponsoring this episode. Appreciate you guys tremendously. All right, so moving into, we're going to deep dive into national yards. We told you we're going to give a little bit of an overview of the Nashville yards. We did this with fifth and broad. We talked about what's going to be involved in fifth and broad and now we're going to take this over a few blocks to the Nashville yards and recently I have blocks. Yeah, we had a demolition recently over in that area. I believe it was the was it the Tennesseean
18:27 Parts of the tendency is being knocked down now, but that's not going to be wired. The Nashville yards, that's a whole separate construction built. There's so much happening. So that's like once you pass over 12th and Broadway, you have that new, a residential for the whole foods and then you come back. That old Tennessee in building is in the process of being knocked down right now. No idea what that's going to be. I think it's going to be a class, a office space, but for the Nashville yards it's going to be located between Broadway and church and they're way away. So all those railroads right there that you crossed over the bridge of Broadway, it's as huge 14 acre developments. That's happening in downtown Nashville. The Nashville yards is called the gateway into the city of Nashville. That's what people are calling it. If you go to Nashville, it says this right at the beginning of their website, the next generation of urban development in this enduringly forward thinking and creative dream of a city.
19:26 Yeah. And it has a lot of renderings and it's mainly gonna be a big glass entryway into the city, is what they're kind of hoping that look is going to take on as well as some green space.
19:38 Yeah. At 1.3 acres of green space in downtown that's going to connect a Broadway and church street and there's going to be there they're planning on having like movies, their food trucks and a lot of outdoor events just like everywhere else in Nashville that's doing everything outdoor. Basically. They're going to replicate that.
19:57 Yeah. A lot of rooftop bars. Before we get into kind of the big numbers of what's going on with national yards, I think the most interesting thing about this is the additional roads that they're going to be building along this because not only are they going to use the existing roads, they're there, they're building new roads at, at new altitudes.
20:18 Oh yeah. They're building new roads in new altitudes. They're there, there are some cool things that they're doing and they're, I think they're having close to 5,000 to 10,000 parking spaces in this, this facility. Thank goodness. Especially with employing 50,000 people. So there's going to be 1100 hotel rooms, 400,000 square feet of retail and entertainment, 3.5 million square feet of a office
20:48 Space. Over a thousand residential units. This place is a beast. Yeah. That's a, that's an understatement. And you know, the footprint actually from the final renderings doesn't look from from far away. It doesn't look that small because it's still a small portion of downtown Nashville. But it's such a large addition. This kind of reminds me of when we went to New York and saw the Hudson yards yards. Yeah. This, this very much reminds me shop area entertainment class, a office space. Yeah. So I wonder like, I wonder what the, if there any affiliation at all between Hudson yards and Nashville yard, Nashville yards. Yeah. That would be interesting. We've, you know, we've noticed New York architecture and, and New York people that are coming in to help national at these times. So there very well could be a connection with all of this. Yeah. So this is the first billion dollar project in downtown Nashville, which is absolutely insane.
21:50 We talked about this, I think it was last week or the week before. Now there's a over a hundred million dollar projects in Nashville that was just, that was just construction projects that were financed by one bank. Okay. Yes. So that was only one bank's financing. So I don't know how many banks were financing this one. I assume a couple. But so the Nashville yards is going to have 1100 hotel rooms. So let's get into the hotels a little bit. So they are currently in the process right now of building the grand Hyatt. This is going to be on Broadway and 10th Avenue and then right next to the grand Hyatt, there's going to be a little ramp way to that green space. Yeah. And also we have a EEG and entertainment company that's responsible for building a smaller boutique hotel. But we'll talk more about grand Hyatt here.
22:42 What is the significant Stuart of a grand Hyatt coming into Nashville? So the thing about Nashville is we, we haven't hit the luxury market yet. So we have a, we have the Herman H hotel, which is a five star, five diamond hotel. And they've always been, they've always been, they've always been here. They've been here for over a hundred years. Most beautiful lobby in the city. I love that lobby, especially during Christmas time. But then now we have our first actual, I would say the West end hits that luxury market, but nothing compares to that. The JW Marriott that hits that very luxury market. Yes, absolutely. And then we got another announcement recently or seasons is already, they broke ground and they're doing a lot of work over there already. And now the grand Hyatt is the, is the luxury property of the Hyatt brand. And so that brings in another luxury property that's happening in downtown Nashville.
23:36 So that means, and there's still talks right now about potentially the Ritz and the Waldorf Astoria and the w the w is coming into the goal. That's another luxury property. So now we're starting to really get into that luxury world. Right. And I know Hyatt, you know, probably has some kind of want to be in Nashville because you know, the, the demand to be at a high at a Nashville was insane. What is Nashville business journal. We'll try linking this in the show notes, but back in 2017 they had an article that said the grand or the Hyatt hotels had to say 62,000 times and no two people like, Hey, we don't have that in downtown. That's a lot of requests. So was tell. So they had, that wasn't people that they had to turn away those, those were people who were asking for a luxury or a luxury high.
24:28 Yeah, for our luxury Hyatt. Wow, that's insane. That's 62,000 that's the estimate of how many people are visiting the city of Nashville each who are looking for luxury hotels. Yeah, 62,000 that's just for the highest side of things. Yeah, that's insane. So the high, it's going to have 591 modern rooms. They have 77,000 square feet of event space. They're going to have signature restaurants, multiple bars, and a rooftop lounge, a pool deck overlooking the city and the grand club lounge and a world class spa. So this is the first hotel. This is going to be the, this is the first development on the Nashville yard. So this will be the first place that's opening on the Nashville yards property. Yup. So you can, where you can rent out this space for weddings, meetings, corporate meetings. Yeah, so a lot of space inside of there.
25:23 A lot of space not holding back. So we also have some other partners who are coming into the Nashville yards. You know, this is not just a national yards thing. A lot of other entertainment companies have been asked to join in on this project to kind of help Nashville yards get to a full completion. And these two companies are AEG, which is the one of the largest entertainment companies in the world. Yes. And MGM, which everybody's probably heard because of their stuff in Vegas. In Vegas, MGM is a, they primarily provide resorts and hotels, but I think that they're going to be providing some entertainment too. So age, age, G a. Yeah, a E. G. I always mess that up. But this is found on the Nashville post and they're talking about MGM and AEG. They're saying that there's going to be a, a music venue with a capacity of 4,000 people.
26:16 That's 4,000 seat music venue. That's huge. Which is, that's bigger than the rise to twice the size of the Ryman. That's, that's, that's a little less than the capacity of what the ascent amphitheater can hold. Yes. It's not as big as Bridgestone arena, but that's a, that's a nice size venue. Like that's a, that's like a New York city theater venue. Yes. That's going to be amazing for the entertainment industry here. A smaller entertainment club that's in quotations. And so so that one can hold seven to 800 people. That's a fantastic is what the, what I heard for that one. Okay. That's, that's a really intimate venue. And then you have a nine screen movie theater. This is going to be a luxury movie theater. So I assume it's going to be a full service movie theater, which Nashville does not have. Have you ever been to a full service movie theater?
27:01 No. So I'm interested to see what a full service movie theaters over like in DC and like New York. Boston, Philly, they have these full service theaters and basically instead of going out to dinner before a movie, you go to the movie and they serve you dinner. So it's kind of like you bring, you see a play. Yeah. So at dinner theater, but instead of the, the play, it's actually a movie. Yeah. So it's, it's a cool experience. I've seen one or two where they have tables and then your table is turning into like your movie chairs and it's just nice and they move the tables and it's just a really cool experience. So I think it's going to be a luxury movie theater from what I've heard and what I've read and like, since that fits in with the brand for sure.
27:44 Oh, absolutely. And nine screen movie theater, which the last movie theater in downtown Nashville, I can't remember the exact date. There used to be one like 30, 40 years ago. And it hasn't been that long since a movie theater has been there. So, yeah. And over the past few years, you know, there's a little bit there's been some crying Wolf of movie theaters coming into downtown. The most recent one being a, a kind of a driving experience. It was supposed to be a giant dome. Oh man, that was so cool. And it was going to be a giant dome and you would drive in like you would drive into a drive in theater and it would act just like a drive in theater except with a big dome over top and stars were going to be projected or displayed on top, like you are outdoors in a drive in theater and in, you know, a lot of people were looking forward to that.
28:30 I'm not sure where it fell through or where the, the kind of cut off happened to where this wasn't gonna be a thing. But it's, it's kind of about time that a movie theater pops into downtown Nashville and it's going to be, it's really interesting with the movie dynamic happening now with the streaming services. Like Netflix is releasing a movie coming out in like October and November. It's going to be over for Robert de Niro and Al, and they're releasing it out in, but they're releasing it on Netflix and in theater. Interesting. Yeah, it's super interesting. So it's gonna be interesting how that pans out on. So this place is also going to have 90,000 square feet of office space and then 315 room hotel with 25,000 square feet from meeting space. This is going to be one of the biggest meeting destinations in Nashville. There's Nashville yards project is, is it's a beast.
29:20 Yeah. And mostly it's because you know, a lot of conferences come into town and so they want a place that can be a kind of a one stop shop for their conference attendees. And the music city center is great because of its location but it may not have all the food and entertainment right next to it besides Broadway. It doesn't have the amenities to be able to hold people. Right. So Nashville yards is going to be kind of a sexier option because of everything that it has just in this one little section that's going to be very attractive to conference conferences that come down into Nashville. So you know this is a very good thing for Nashville. We already are hosting an insane amount of conferences and this is going to just ramp up that I think we'll be, we will become, we are already in like the top five.
30:09 Chicago, Vegas, Orlando, I can't remember the other city but we're like in that we're in the competing cities already but within Nashville yards it's going to put us above and over some of these other cities. I haven't heard much about the residential units. Those are the things that we haven't heard of residential units as well as restaurants. I think those are kind of kept on the down low for now. Yeah. So those are probably going to be the last thing is to come in and then the largest portion of the Nashville yards, it's under part of it's under construction right now is going to be the Nashville yard towers. And this is where Amazon is going to have 5,000 employees in downtown. If you're smart, Amazon, you would buy all of these residential places and just have your employees live, work and play all in one area.
30:57 It makes sense. I really hope there's a grocery store going into the Nashville yards too because of the amount of traffic with all these hotel rooms with Amazon being there with this entertainment district, like there's potential of being 20,000 people or more in this area alone and downtown every single day. Yeah. And I'm wondering if there are some places that aren't announced on what exactly they're going to be yet specifically because if you've when I was in Seattle and I saw the Amazon campus down there, Elon Musk had to almost green house working spaces that was very unique that were only open to employees. Non-Employees could not go in there. And so I'm wondering if there's going to be any kind of special building that goes in a for Amazon or if they're going to continue the trend that they haven't Seattle with making some dynamic workspaces or if you know it is, if he, Elon Musk is not going to eat on mosque.
32:00 I'm saying Jeff Bezos, ASOS, not Elon Musk. If a [inaudible] coming to Nashville last notice the Nashville daily podcast will and love for you to be a sponsor of our show. I'm wondering if, if us is going to do anything unique here in Nashville like he has done in Seattle. So that'll be interesting to see. If there are any of those plans in the works. I doubted because Nashville has been pretty transparent on everything that's been going into these spaces. So my gut says no on that. I'm really excited about all, all the retail opportunities. I think there's going to be a lot of really cool boutique stores and like local coffee shops and I'm just looking at this rendering so you can go follow them on the Instagram. Literally at Nashville yards. So that's [inaudible] a S H, V, I. L. L E Y. A R D S. Right now they're just posting random pictures of national.
32:53 So I would just recommend to this one. This one's three days ago and this is a rendering. So this looks like this is going to be in the corner of the grand Hyatt, but it's a hundreds of people are walking in this rendering, but there's like shopping underneath a, do they have a name for the store? Does it have that street that goes above? Yeah, it has transit. They're, I'm going to Belk way and stuff on it. So it's a really cool rendering. I'm excited about the Nashville yards. Erin, what are your thoughts about the Nashville yards? They're definitely exciting because now we're seeing, you know, not just individual properties being built, but we're seeing new complete blocks and several blocks at a time being built. So we have fifth and broad. That's going to be kind of our first trial area for this.
33:36 We see the Nashville yards. Then you have that new one on West end where the Google maps says there's a Lake that's going to be a mixed use development. Yes. even even where the tendency in is being knocked down right now is going to be mixed use development as hearings moving right there. And then we have the what was announced North of downtown Riverside about a month ago. We, yeah, we're going to be doing a special segment about that. That one's going to be incredible, but they haven't started anything yet. So we're gonna wait for that special segments. Yeah. So that's the, those are my thoughts. It's, it's a, it's a good addition to national, not because it's just an individual property, but it's a group of that mixed use development. It's a hub. It's going to, it's going to, I think, I think the Nashville yards is going to be a hospitality hub.
34:26 How it plays of culture in downtown Nashville. I am super excited about. Absolutely. So I'm Stuart Deming with explore dot Nash. Make sure to go follow us on Instagram. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Subscribe to this podcast rate at five stars. Aaron, where could they get some Nashville merchandise? You can get some Nashville merchandise at X P L R. Dot. Life and you can follow us everywhere else at X PLR dot. Nash, except for Twitter. Well, we have an underscore X PLR, underscore Nash. Tweet us. Say hi. We'd love to give you a follow and say hi to you back on Twitter. Also, one last thing. September 24th we're having our next explore. Meet this, explore me. It's going to be at lucky lad farms in the Eagleville, Tennessee starting at 4:00 PM 8:00 PM to 8:00 PM tickets will be released for this one soon. So make sure to watch out for our next explore meats. Yes, and you can follow that journey and figure out when tickets are going to be released at X PLR dot Nash on Instagram. And that's where you can find out all of that information. And I'm Erin Pennington. Thank you so much for joining for the national day, the podcast today, and I'm Stewart Deming. Have a wonderful day.